Blog — herbs
exciting times...
Posted by vicki brown on
...I have been a fairly absent blogger, but I most certainly have not been an absent gardener the last couple of months. There are seedlings on every available windowsill in my house, weighing down the shelves of my little green house and even a few outside (though some naughty snail/slug has devoured two of my baby marigolds).
Here is a little list of what is currently growing in some form or...
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- Tags: containers, flowers, fruit, garden, gardening, herbs, march, permaculture, pots, spring, vegetables
a very busy month...
Posted by vicki brown on I have been fairly terrible at keeping this up to date! In fact completely useless and it has been well over a month since I have blogged!
I have however been super busy planting seeds and tending to the seedlings and my terrace is beginning to look lovely indeed.
I currently have growing...
- tomatoes (a LOT of them)
- cucumber
- spinach
- carrots
- onions
- garlic
- strawberries
- various lettuce leaves
- beetroot
- caul...
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- Tags: gardening, herbs, pots, seedlings, seeds, vegetables, vermicomposting
March 4th 2010...
Posted by vicki brown on I have...

- planted some strawberry runners (with a little help and advice from some lovely twitter peeps)
- purchased some seed potatoes and also a bag to grow them in, however the bag is way too big, not too tall but too wide, it won't fit where I want it to without causing a massive obstruction!
- sown some spinach seeds

I also have another little sprout! This time it's the green basil-which...
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- Tags: garden, gardening, herbs, plants, pots, roof, seedlings, seeds, sow, sowing, spinach, strawberries, strawberry, sunflower, terrace, vegetables
what I sowed on march 1st...
Posted by vicki brown on
...yesterday I sowed a few more seeds....
- chives
- red pear tomatoes
- orange berry tomatoes
- costoluto florentino tomatoes
- tigerella tomatoes
- ildi tomatoes
- san marzano tomatoes
- cucumber
- hot chilli
- thyme
- mustard

I put the cucumber, thyme and chilli under a propagator and put some cling film on top of the chive pot but the rest are open and all are currently sitting on various window sills around the house. Milo...
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- Tags: herbs, seeds, vegetables
new seeds and pots...
Posted by vicki brown on
Milo and I headed out in the beautiful spring sunshine today to get ourselves some more seeds and pots. After a lot of time spent picking up various seed packets and after a lot of old ladies had come to admire Milo we finally headed off with our new investments.

I now have...
- 6 types of tomato
- thyme
- chive
- spring onion
- cucumber
- mustard
- rocket
- spinach
...seeds to sow.
Hopefully they will find themselves in...