Blog — fruit
exciting times...
Posted by vicki brown on
...I have been a fairly absent blogger, but I most certainly have not been an absent gardener the last couple of months. There are seedlings on every available windowsill in my house, weighing down the shelves of my little green house and even a few outside (though some naughty snail/slug has devoured two of my baby marigolds).
Here is a little list of what is currently growing in some form or...
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- Tags: containers, flowers, fruit, garden, gardening, herbs, march, permaculture, pots, spring, vegetables
Posted by vicki brown on when I did all my research on growing tomatoes there were a couple of things I forgot to investigate. Mainly, how big will my plants grow, how successful will my seeds be, how many plants can I really look after/fit in our small terraced house and very small outside space??
The answer to the final question would probably have been, 4, maybe 6 at a push. How many do actually have? Hmmmm about...