March 4th 2010...
Posted by vicki brown on I have...

- planted some strawberry runners (with a little help and advice from some lovely twitter peeps)
- purchased some seed potatoes and also a bag to grow them in, however the bag is way too big, not too tall but too wide, it won't fit where I want it to without causing a massive obstruction!
- sown some spinach seeds

I also have another little sprout! This time it's the green basil-which looks fairly massive compared to the little purple basil sprouts!

Despite then fact majority of my pots are still inside on sunny window sills looking after little seeds, the terrace is starting to look fairly good! I can't wait for that whole space to be full up with pots and plants!

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- Tags: garden, gardening, herbs, plants, pots, roof, seedlings, seeds, sow, sowing, spinach, strawberries, strawberry, sunflower, terrace, vegetables