Blog — knit
WIP wednesday :: Puerperium Cardigan
Posted by vicki brown on
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- Tags: cardigan, kelly brooker, knit, knitted, knitting, newborn, puerperium, wednesday, wip
Cardi in 4 days? Day 1 ::
Posted by vicki brown on

Of course I have left it entirely to the last minute and started yesterday! I did purchase myself some Aran weight yarn to try and make the whole process a little quicker and I also intended to crochet it. However after doing a little swatch, crochet on...
mustard hearts for me ::
Posted by vicki brown on
my newest short sleeved sweater is finished! It still needs blocking (which I'm really hoping will give it a bit more length as it's a teeny bit short) but otherwise it's all finished and I'm quite in love with it.
I made a few silly mistakes with the fair isle pattern, but for a first attempt I think I did pretty well.
I have to be honest I didn't knit it all in continental style as I had intend...
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- Tags: craft, fair, for ladies, for me, handknit, handmade, hearts, isle, jumpers, katia, knit, knitting, peru, purple.mustard, short, sleeved, sweater, yellow
continental style ::
Posted by vicki brown on
last week I attended my first neighbourhood 'knit and natter' gathering, it was lovely and there were fabulous cakes!
Whilst I was there I was taught to knit continental style (essentially holding the yarn in your left hand rather the right). So far, so good, I'm not quite as fast as I am englishstyle yet, but getting close. I'd love to be one of those super speedy knitters, you know where the...
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- Tags: continental, craft, hand, handknit, handknitting, knit, knitting, lilley, stitches, uk
owls for me ::
Posted by vicki brown on
I was asked to knit something for a twitter friend. I've never been asked to knit something for someone before (normally I just inflict my creations on others) so I was hugely flattered.
The pattern in question was owls by Kate Davies. I had never heard of Kate Davies and her blog needled before, but my am I glad I now have, she has some beautiful patterns! I completely adore these gorgeous pa...
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- Tags: craft, for ladies, for me, handknit, handmade, jumper, jumpers, kate davies, knit, knitted, knitting, owls, petrol, pullover, short, sleeve, sleeved, sweater