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Baking and a Birthday...
Posted by vicki brown on
...I may have been a bit rubbish at keeping up with my crafting 365 the last couple of days but that's because we've been a bit busy here. My poor little boy had his second round of jabs on Monday, he was super brave and it was much less emotional for me second time around, but he was still a grumpy babe for the rest of the day. When he wasn't sleeping (in my arms, wouldn't stay down in his cot)...
Little fingers and toes...
Posted by vicki brown on
I'm going to try not to become all about posting photos of my lovely new babe, but to be fair it is about the only thing going on in my life at the moment! So until life begins to settle down and I find time for more crafting (will there ever be time again?!) here are some more pictures of my newest favourite person.

Posted by vicki brown on
Milo Darwin Thom Patterson-Brown
He was born quite unexpectedly and quickly on the 7th April at 8.54am weighing 7lb 3oz.
We are all very well, healthy and happy, if not a little tired! I'll probably be absent or sporadic in posting over the next few weeks as we continue to become accustomed to each other and enjoy these first few special moments.
More pictures here.
Starting to rest and prepare...
Posted by vicki brown on
As my due date draws nearer, I'm starting to finally realise what is happening! Yes it's true in approximately 3 weeks and 2 days I will be having a baby a real life little person to look after! As a result I probably won't be around that much over the following few weeks...I do seem to have a renewed energy recently, but it's more focused on cleaning and tidying and doing selfish things for...
Chocolate and Baby Blankets...
Posted by vicki brown on
I'm still working on a baby blanket a started a million years ago (well maybe not that long ago, but all the way back hereanyway), I knitted up the squares, but well they are not the squarest of squares so I begun to edge them in crochet and then kind of forgot about them! That is until yesterday when Johnny said I was absolutely not allowed to begin on anything else for the baby until that blue...