Distractions (part 2)
Posted by vicki brown on
Probably one of my favourites by far was Cherry Cake and Ginger Beer by Jane Brocket, it came from my Mum.

I have yet to adventure in to actually creating any of these wonderful treats, but I've enjoyed reading the history of these receipes and their origins within classic childrens literature so much. There is even a receipe for Turkish Delight in here! I absolutely cannot wait to try that one out (it was sorely missed as the one thing my Mum forgot to stock up on for Christmas).
Johnny got me Mother and Baby Health: The A-Z of Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond, which I have really enjoyed dipping in and out of each night before I go to sleep.
I expect it will be a wonderful referrence book for the future as our baby actually arrives and we are confronted with all the health worries and anxieties that no doubt come hand in hand with having a new baby around.
And last but most definitely not least My Booky Wook from the incredibly charming Russel Brand. As I so throughly enjoyed the last series of Ponderland, which had me in stitches every episode, Johnny went a bit Russel Brand crazy for my Christmas gifts and not only got me the autobiography but also two DVD's of his stand up shows. All of which have been wonderful!