Distractions (part 1)
Posted by vicki brown on
I have been a terrible blogger and overall internet partaker of recent days/weeks. I will mostly blame this on reaching the third trimester of my pregnancy...but really the main reason I have been wondering is probably down to the many many distractions I have at the moment.
The first is of course the preparation for the arrival of our little one...this may not yet be for 3 months...but I still feel like there is so so so much to do! I'm generally waiting until my maternity leave starts to work on the really big things...such as turning our incredibly disorganised and messy dressing room into a beautiful nursery, but I can't help feeling the need to knit, crochet and sew many little treasures for him and go out and spend a silly amount of money of clothing for him!
The little yarn concession in the big department store in town is closing down...this is probably the worst news ever for me....but does bring one very big positive...everything in there is 70% off!!! It's crazy how much yarn I now have stashed down the side of our sofa! I haven't forgotten the little blue patchwork blanket I started what now seems like months ago...but I have also started (but oh so nearly finished) another...

The first is of course the preparation for the arrival of our little one...this may not yet be for 3 months...but I still feel like there is so so so much to do! I'm generally waiting until my maternity leave starts to work on the really big things...such as turning our incredibly disorganised and messy dressing room into a beautiful nursery, but I can't help feeling the need to knit, crochet and sew many little treasures for him and go out and spend a silly amount of money of clothing for him!
The little yarn concession in the big department store in town is closing down...this is probably the worst news ever for me....but does bring one very big positive...everything in there is 70% off!!! It's crazy how much yarn I now have stashed down the side of our sofa! I haven't forgotten the little blue patchwork blanket I started what now seems like months ago...but I have also started (but oh so nearly finished) another...
I used Rowan Cashsoft Chunky and a pattern from this lovely book, which I purchased when it first came out. I love Erika Knight's books beyond any other crochet books available without a shadow of a doubt.
I've literally got half of the edging to finish and I have run out of yarn!!! I'm sure I'll be able to get hold of another it will just very doubtfully be 70% off!
I also purchased this lovely crochet book with some adorable patterns in it.
If that's not enough there are the many books, DVDs and other little Christmas treasures to tempt me away from business (not to mention my newly purchased Wii!). All of which I promise to blog about in time!