Blog — handmade

Little Blue Houses by the Sea

Posted by vicki brown on

Just a quick hello today to share with you my latest embroidery hoop...

Little Blue Houses by the Sea

I sketched out the idea whilst waiting for Johnny at the dentists and stitched it up yesterday.

I spent most of my teenage years by the sea, and since all of my grown-up life has been lived so far away from it I miss it terribly.

Happy Friday!!! The weekend is here!!!

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Some Zesty Baby Treats...

Posted by vicki brown on

After the massive closing down sale of my favourite place to by yarn, a couple of months ago, I now have quite a large quantity of lovely expensive rowan yarn to use up. One of my favourite finds was a bag (10 balls in total) of the wonderful milk cottonin, the colour I have just discovered is called, "fruit salad" (I think I love it even more now!). I also have to share with you the fact that...

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Getting Ready...

Posted by vicki brown on

Here are some shots of my preparations for my new shop...

And some more shots of my finished Little Multi-Coloured Houses embroidery hoop....

I've backed the hoop with some little houses fabric I've had forever in fear of using it because I love it so much!!

That's all for today...I must return to washing all the many many baby things I have been given...not quite sure how many sheets a baby...

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Buttons and Beanies...

Posted by vicki brown on

Most of yesterday was spent, not sorting out the baby's room as planned, but instead, stitching up some oversized beanies to add to the stock for the new shop.

I intended on selling them last year, as I made up a couple for myself and kept getting asked where I got them from, but it just never really happened. So hopefully they'll still be successful this time round.
The buttons are for a custom...

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Little Multi-Coloured Houses...

Posted by vicki brown on


My trip to the hospital was all fine...our little one is measuring almost bang of target for his dates and is estimated to weigh almost 5lb already, which is wonderful...he is however still breech and the sonographer didn't seem too convinced that he's going to manage to find his way into the right positionin time. Which is a bit of a worry, but I'm not going to give up on jumping around...

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