Blog — handmade

Lilley Stitches....

Posted by vicki brown on

I just wanted to quickly share with you some stitching I did for the banner and avatar for my new shop.

I'm off into the lovely sunshine to make my way to the hospital for my last scan....that means the last time I see the baby until he is really here in the flesh!!


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New Buttons and Beads...

Posted by vicki brown on

Today I am mostly cleaning and tidying...not quite sure how it happened but I just woke up with an urge to do it...and haven't stopped...well not until now. I thought I'd take a quick break, sip on some raspberry leaf tea and share with you some pictures of the beads and buttons I made yesterday.

I needed some black and white buttons to go inside the black and white corsages I have been making so...

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Some completed corsages...

Posted by vicki brown on

An update on yesterdays flowers...some of them at least...have now become corsages, ready to adorn a coat, a bag, a scarf...well anything you like really.

And, although not ready and open just yet I'm also in the process of setting up my new shop, LilleyStitches, I'm very excited about this new venture indeed.

I don't feel like I need to sacrifice my time spent on my other shops either because my...

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Posted by vicki brown on

After a bit of a panicked trip to the hospital yesterday morning (everything was OK in the end) and a very bad nights sleep, I really didn't feel up to much, so I spent most (well maybe all) of the rest of the day under a blanket on the sofa doing some crochet.
And I whipped up these little lovelies...

I'm going to turn them all into corsages, in various colour combinations. After much pondering on...

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Baby things....

Posted by vicki brown on

As I have no craftiness of my own to share today and we went and purchased our pram yesterday I can't help but think about baby I thought I'd share with you some of my favourites on etsy at the moment.

algiers, 1932
By tollipop

The Adam

Happy Monday xxx

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