Blog — handmade

Crafting 4/365...

Posted by vicki brown on

...miniature ninjas...These are like the ninjas I made for earrings, but just simple companions. They will be available in my shop sometime soon, but at today is just to dark and cloudy to take any good pictures.

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Crafting 3/365...

Posted by vicki brown on

...strawberry beads...

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Crafting 2/365...

Posted by vicki brown on

...rainbow love heart beads...

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Crafting 365...

Posted by vicki brown on I've decided, I'm going to do it! I'm going to take the crafting 365 challenge! I'm going to do something crafty every single day for a whole year and document it here and on flickr.
OK so it may be a little foolish to think I can achieve something crafty every day whilst helping a little one grow from a 3 month old to a year and 3 month old, but I'm up for it! You may have to witness some...

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A quilt for my niece (part 2)

Posted by vicki brown on

So here are some pictures of that quilt I need to magically finish by Friday (I'm pretty sure, if not certain, that that is not going to happen now!).

I do like the fabrics and the log cabin design I went for but am wondering if it isn't just a little bit too girly!

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