Blog — crafty

Crafting 6/365

Posted by vicki brown on

...little houses embroidery...

I imagine this will probably appear quite a few times before it is complete! But it's a perfect craft to pick up a put down as and when the little one decides he needs me!

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Crafting 5/365

Posted by vicki brown on

...failed banana canes for beads...
Ok so these did not turn out as planned at all! But it still counts right? I still crafted!

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Crafting 4/365...

Posted by vicki brown on

...miniature ninjas...These are like the ninjas I made for earrings, but just simple companions. They will be available in my shop sometime soon, but at today is just to dark and cloudy to take any good pictures.

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Crafting 3/365...

Posted by vicki brown on

...strawberry beads...

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Crafting 2/365...

Posted by vicki brown on

...rainbow love heart beads...

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