Blog — crafty

Organising and helpful little hands...

Posted by vicki brown on

So I haven't really done so well with my crafting 365, I'm only 2 weeks in and have already lost 4 days!! I will try harder, promise!

I've mostly been organising and tidying my many crafty bits and pieces, to create an area that is easier to work in when I have such limited time.
This morning we've mostly been putting beads into saleablesets. I say we as I've had a little helper sat upon my knee,...

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Crafting 10/365

Posted by vicki brown on

...citrus beads...

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Crafting 9/365

Posted by vicki brown on beads...

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Crafting 8/365

Posted by vicki brown on

...grapefruit and lemon beads...

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Crafting 7/365...

Posted by vicki brown on

...little houses embroidery....

...again, and I've been rubbish and missed 2 days or 3?!! Not a great start but I will get better I promise. x

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