Blog — supplies
Crafting 27/365...
Posted by vicki brown on and purple heart buttons...
- 1 comment
- Tags: crafting 365, crafty, handmade, polymer clay, supplies
Fruity beads in action...
Posted by vicki brown on
The lovely snowberrylime has worked some of my fruit beads in to this delicious yarn.

What a privilage! I absolutely covet so many of her wonderful yarns...I have yet to purchase any, in the full knowledge I will never find a project that I feel worthy of such beautiful supplies!
What a privilage! I absolutely covet so many of her wonderful yarns...I have yet to purchase any, in the full knowledge I will never find a project that I feel worthy of such beautiful supplies!
Alphabets and Ninjas
Posted by vicki brown on
With no work yesterday (or today for that matter!), I had a pretty productive day overall. I didn't get to do the fun kind of shopping I was hoping for as it just isn't very good for that where we live and didn't quite get ourselves ready in time for travelling to Bristol or Birmingham, but did get to do some of the boring "stuff we need for the house" kind of shopping. When we got home we ate...
Boiling Baths and Beads
Posted by vicki brown on
There is still no hot water or heating in our house...and probably won't be for another week, which really is truly rubbish! However it does inspire me to be a lot more crafty in the evenings, especially when it comes to making polymer clay items, as I am constantly being asked to by my boy, in order to have the oven on for a while in an attempt to warm the house! Having a bath also warms the...
New Fabric
Posted by vicki brown on
When I returned from work the news that we still had no heating or hot water (it's been over a week now!!)....there was also this lovely little package waiting for me. Which made the bad news seem OK very briefly!
Now I just have to decide what to make. I always grow far to attached to fabric, not wanting to make anything out...
Now I just have to decide what to make. I always grow far to attached to fabric, not wanting to make anything out...