Blog — crochet

FO Friday :: Little Flowers ::

Posted by vicki brown on

So I haven't quite finished the cardigan yet, there was little unknitting to do following a couple of silly mistakes, but I do have a finished object(s) to share today, hooray!

FO Friday :: Little Flowers

Namely a collection of little flowers, made for the lovely Bex of Stuffed Nonsense, who requested them to attach to a lampshade.

These are super fun and easy to make, such a satisfying little project.

FO Friday :: Little Flowers

I shall try and get the...

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new obsession :: knitting podcasts ::

Posted by vicki brown on

I have been doing a lot of knitting and crochet recently, a lot indeed, I am not complaining, no not one bit, but I have discovered a new listening pleasure to accompany all this clicking and hooking, knitting podcasts. In all honesty I have never really listened to podcasts before, I think there was a time a few years ago where I researchedsome I might like, but when I couldn't seem to put them...

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a last minute easter bonnet ::

Posted by vicki brown on

well isn't everything just a little bit last minute at the moment!

Easter Bonnet!

Milo had his easter bonnet parade today and at 8 o'clock last night I began to make a variety of items to attach to a pre-bought straw hat.

Easter Bonnet!

I crocheted some flowers tied some ribbons, filled a nest with some left over faux mini eggs and even needle felted a couple of chicks and a rabbit!

Easter Bonnet!

This morning Milo instructed me on where to...

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Cardi in 4 days? Day 4 :: Complete ::

Posted by Unknown on

I did it! With a little last minute crochet on the train and some late night weaving in and button sewing, I finished the cardi, though it's probably more of a shrug. I even made the buttons myself, with a little help from the toddler.

I made it a lot shorter than I intended, not just because of the tight deadline (promise), but also because the dress had such a high waist band, I thought it...

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Cardi in 4 days? Day 4 :: Complete ::

Posted by vicki brown on

I did it! With a little last minute crochet on the train and some late night weaving in and button sewing, I finished the cardi, though it's probably more of a shrug. I even made the buttons myself, with a little help from the toddler.

I made it a lot shorter than I intended, not just because of the tight deadline (promise), but also because the dress had such a high waist band, I thought it...

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