24 Weeks ::

Posted by vicki brown on

Sorry I'm a bit late with this weeks update, half term...and well you know! We had a great week though, it mostly rained, we spent a lot of time playing board games and building dens from bedding, so all was well.

One pregnancy milestone reached this week, 24 weeks means viability, meaning if the baby were born now it could survive and the hospital staff would do all they could to make that happen.  Of course here's hoping she stays put for quite some time yet.

Another big milestone this week; Johnny felt her move for the first time.  Real big, full on visible kicks were taking place.  Which is massively exciting.  She seems to be responding to sounds, though this could just be coincidence, but she moves a lot when Johnny and I are talking to each other especially and also (seriously cute) when Milo sings to her.

I'm starting to worry about stretchmarks now.  I avoided them completely with Milo but I obsessively applied a combination of Bio Oil and cocoa butter twice daily throughout.  Since then I've heard, 'you either get them or you don't' a lot.  As a result I've been super lazy about this routine, but now my skin is tightening up and starting get itchy I'm panicking my blasé attitude might come back to haunt me.  So I'm back on twice daily application!

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