Blog — family

31 Weeks ::

Posted by vicki brown on

Whoa...down to single figures now!

So I think I may have jinxed myself last week with all that talk of how wonderful I was feeling. This week has not been so great. I've really really struggled with back pain, it started on Sunday and it seems to have got progressively worse as the week has gone on. It's an odd pain about halfway up my back. It's fairly constant, though much worse if I'm walking,...

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This Week ::

Posted by vicki brown on

A round up of some of my favourite moments from my Instagram this week ::

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30 Weeks ::

Posted by vicki brown on

Oh my how exactly did it all go by so quickly! 10 weeks to go, though I'm thinking I'd quite like for her to arrive a couple of weeks early and therefore get in to the earlier school year!  Not too early mind.

All has been pretty quiet in terms of pregnancy this week, no appointments, no worries or problems and an unexpected upturn in energy levels. All in all it's been a good week. In fact there...

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This Week ::

Posted by vicki brown on

A round up of some of my favourite moments from my Instagram this week ::

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Sunday in my Kitchen ::

Posted by vicki brown on

Our kitchen gets a lot of use throughout the week, as I'm sure most do, especially if you have children (they need 3 proper meals every single day you know?!). But during the week it mostly seems like a chore to be in there. The preschool rush of breakfast preparation, the post school drop off clearing up all the mess, preparing meals between those school pick up times and the dreaded 5.30 (that...

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