Blog — crochet

Inside Crochet 58 ::

Posted by vicki brown on

Last Friday the newest issue of Inside Crochet hit the shelves.  As usual it's a gorgeous issue packed with beautiful designs on a Scandinavian theme.

I'm especially smitten with Claire Montgomerie's fabulous necklace, something I think would make gorgeous Christmas gifts.

Within this issues pages also lies the second to last design I finished up before going on maternity leave. Introducing the...

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Crochet Lego Head :: A Pattern ::

Posted by vicki brown on

I originally made this Lego head about 18 months ago now, after taking Stacey Trock's fabulous Monster Making class on Craftsy.  I only ever really intended to make one for Milo and leave it at that, but I've had so many requests for the pattern for this I thought I'd write it up for you.

It's really very simple and if you've tried your hand at amigurumi before I'm sure you'll have no problems with...

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Stash Dash 2014 ::

Posted by vicki brown on

I have quite a few finished objects this week.

I finally finished up my Baby Surprise Jacket by Elizabeth Zimmerman.  I'm not sure if this really counts towards my stash dash total as I haven't really done any actual knitting on it.  I'm going to count it unofficially just because it seems unlikely I'll make that 5,000 total anyways!
I love this cardigan, I loved knitting it and really like the way...

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Stash Dash 2014 ::

Posted by vicki brown on

I've recently started watching the Knit Girllls video podcast, which I can highly recommend, and these clever ladies are hosting Stash Dash 2014. The simple goal of which is to use as much of your stashed yarn/fibre as possible over the summer, with the target of 5000 yards. Officially starting 23rd May and ending 7th August. You can knit, crochet or spin, anything from your stash, only finished...

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Polymer Clay, Crochet Hook Handles :: A Tutorial ::

Posted by vicki brown on

Turn regular crochet hooks into gorgeous gifts (for yourself or for others!) by adding beautiful handles, with this simple tutorial, using polymer clay.

Last Christmas, I decided to make up some polymer clay covered crochet hooks as gifts for my nieces, to accompany the Magic Yarn Balls I also made up for them.  It's a fairly simple and fun project I'd thought I'd share with you today.

For a long time I only ever used the small metal handled crochet hooks you see in these pictures here. I never had any problems with using these and though I would...

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