Posted by vicki brown on
So it seems that spring is really starting to try and show his face around these parts...
This lovely treasury in which I was featured turned up on the front page this morning...

Curated by LazyGiraffe you can see it in all it's glory here, lots of lovely sunny items and the majority of which are UK sellers.

The sun is shinning very brightly here today indeed and I can wait to get outside and go for a walk.
A lovely surprise of daffodils has appeared on our roof terrace and have sprouted out of the plant pots that were left here by the previous occupiers of our little house. They make me very happy and as I have to walk past the window that looks out onto them on my way to the utility room it makes doing the laundry all that much nicer.
Carrying on in the spring theme, I took to producing some springlike green items yesterday, here are some pictures for you...