Blog — effie

Four Weeks ::

Posted by vicki brown on

I cannot believe how quickly the past four weeks have gone by. I'm trying my best to cling on to every moment with my tiny baby, but it doesn't seem to stop time flying by much too quickly.

I never would have imagined life with a newborn baby could be this easy, my previous experience of being the mother to a newborn taught me so much so quickly. Mostly how little sleep you can actually survive on...

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Effie's Birth Story ::

Posted by vicki brown on

I appreciate birth stories aren't for everyone, but I really wanted to share Effie's here as it turned out so incredibly well, so far away from everything I imagined (and had experienced) induction to be. And also because I'm still so proud of how I did, amazed by the way my body took over and knew exactly what to do and totally in awe of the little being I produced.

So if you are interested, click...

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