A Festive Absence

Posted by vicki brown on

Oh dear...

I got a little lost in amongst all the festivities and took an unannounced and unexpected break. I didn't' mean to disappear without wishing everyone Merry Christmases and Happy New Years, it just sort of happened.

I've had a very lazy couple of weeks (despite still working in my day job). I managed to get home to my family for Christmas which was absolutely wonderful. Everyone got to feel the baby move which is no real surprise as I'm not so sure he actually sleeps at all and is constant fluttering in my belly! Despite this I am still lucky enough to be very small. I still have one pair of normal jeans that fit me! I got lots of wonderful gifts and ate lots and lots of lovely food.

For New Year I was asleep on the sofa by 11.30 and Johnny had to wake me at 11.55 to get ready to wish me a Happy New Year! Oh well it was lovely none the less.

So it is time to me get back to work, which mostly involves replying to emails and lots of crafting, of which I'm sure I'll photo's of for you tomorrow (the crafting that is not the emails!).

Happy New Year to all. xxx

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